online classes

We had made the decision to transition online, by making virtual classes on the zoom app 3 weeks ago. We’re delighted to say we’ve had nothing but glowing feedback. We are doing this for you, our members. We think it’s more important now than ever, that your keeping up your training and developing your key skills you’ve been working towards. We don’t want all your previous time and efforts to be wasted!
We can empathise with you all greatly, that these uncertain times can make exercise planning seem harder then ever, when confined to your house. But we’re here to make that easier for you. We have moved all our classes online to instil a sense of certainty back into your lives. We have a time table that provides you with the opportunity to workout everyday, multiple times. We are constantly going to be reviewing and updating this time table through the feedback we receive from our members. As our goal is to constantly be providing the highest level of classes to you all.
The majority of our members have already discovered our online classes and are reaping the benefits that kickboxing is instilling in their lives. Our aim is to get our message out to all, as we know exercise at home is an important part of our lives. So therefore we’d like to encourage all members and newcomers to participate in our virtual classes.
We know that our virtual time table is helping so many of you already, by allowing you to feel some sense of normality. An example of this has been brought to our attention by one of our members parents. They helpfully reached out to us, to let us know that are both key workers with a young son. He benefits from a routine and was still attending childcare most days, when the lockdown began. But after completing a week of our virtual kickboxing classes they took him out of childcare. As they said “He is enjoying keeping his training going and having something of a routine at this difficult time”. He’s enjoyed them the much that he’s also gone on to try many of our new classes on our time table, furthering his skill set and abilities even more! This level of determination we are seeing from our members is amazing.
why kickboxing/boxing
Mental health benefits
Kickboxing and boxing are two sports that have always been regarded highly for the positive effect that have on mental health. The health benefits that are provided by sport are more vital now than ever before. We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your mind and body active right now and we will help you with this the whole way.
The important mental health benefits consist of:
- Social benefits (communicating with others virtually)
- Mental toughness (trial and error)
- Self esteem
- Stress release
- Learning a new skill provides a distraction
- Ability to think fast
As you can see these attributes form the foundations of our lives, that we all need to be maintaining right now. We understand that right now is a mentally challenging time for loads of people. We take great pride to know that our members are benefiting from our virtual classes. Another members family has kindly contacted us to let us know that, “The training is really giving my son a purpose”. This is excellent to hear as it’s our exact goal: we want to motivate our members and ensure they’re all still being challenged.
Physical health benefits
- Weight loss
- Increased endurance
- Muscle strength and balance
- Cardiovascular health
- Improves quality of sleep
- Tone your entire body
It can seem like a daunting task to re-plan your fitness regime around lockdown life. Which is why we have aimed to do this for you, via our virtual classes. We are targeting people of all ages and all abilities by providing an array of classes that are centred around various goals such as: calorie burning, skill building and toning.
Feed back from our members has also illustrated how our virtual classes are not only ensuring children are keeping physically fit, they’re also enabling them to burn off pent up steam and energy. Which is also another important factor in ensuring the maintenance of a healthy body and mind.
Not an existing member? Don’t worry we are still keeping our services open for new comers too! We will welcome any new children or adults of all abilities.
Anyone who’s interested in the benefits they will get from this sport and would like to therefore become a member for more information contact Paul Gilmore/ Tel: 07855487324 Email:
We hope you are all well and look forward to hearing about how are classes are enabling you to maintain or start your fitness journeys.
By Lauren-Marie Leigh